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Agroprosperis  24.09.2018

300 Agroprosperis railcars hauled 580 thousand tons of crops

In 2017-2018 Agroprosperis Group significantly increased the efficiency of its crop logistics by using own railway cars, which will make up to 400 units by the end of October. From July 1, 2017 to September 1, 2018, 300 Agroprosperis railcars secured a timely delivery of 580 thousand tons crops produced by the Group companies, as well as by small and medium-sized Ukrainian farmers, to ports for further shipment to over 30 world markets, as well as to the leading national processors production sites.


Own railcars ensured the timely logistics of 30% Agroprosperis crops from 52 Group and partner elevators, resulting in the most efficient use of the grain storage capacities, while production companies harvested and planted in optimal terms. The high railcars turnover was much contributed to by the active operations of 8 own and rented locomotives delivering the cars to the station ways.


Agroprosperis Group plans to further strengthen own logistics with 100 new carriages manufactured by the Kryukov railcar manufacturing plant, which are to be delivered this October. This will increase the AP volume of crops transported by rail to 800 thousand tons per year, as well as enable providing logistic services to AP Group partners – Ukraine’s small and medium-sized farmers.

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