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Agroprosperis 19.05.2022

Place a "Contribution to Victory" deposit and help the Armed Forces together with Agroprosperis Bank

Every Ukrainian is working on his front to bring peace closer, and we all want to do more.  New Charitable Deposit "Contribution to Victory" from Agroprosperis Bank is another opportunity to contribute to the victory of Ukraine.

You place a "Contribution to Victory" Deposit in Agroprosperis Bank, and the bank jointly with you make a charitable contribution to the strengthening of our Army.


You receive in advance the full income on the deposit for the entire period of its validity immediately when placing a deposit. 10% of the paid income on the deposit you transfer to a special account of the NBU to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and 100% of the amount transferred to the charitable assistance by the bank clients the Bank monthly transfers to a special account from its own funds.


 Choose the conditions that are convenient for you:

• for a period of 1 to 24 months

• with a yield of 7% to 11% per annum in UAH

• Deposit amount from UAH 1000,00


Find out more on the bank’s website on the Deposits page.


 We believe in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and make a joint contribution to the Victory of Ukraine!



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